Different Types of Traditional Pakistani Clothing

  • By Taha Ahmed
  • Apr 19
  • 🕒 4 min read time
Traditional Pakistani Clothing

Pakistan is the fifth most populous nation in the world, with about 212 million inhabitants.

Two autonomous areas, four provinces, and one federal territory make up the nation of South Asia, each with its particular traditional attire. Every regional culture's traditional attire reflects its way of life and climate.

Other civilizations have profoundly influenced traditional Pakistani dress for thousands of years, recognized as a legacy of the old culture.

Traditional Pakistani clothing is regarded as the legacy of the old civilization and has been dramatically impacted by other cultures for thousands of years. The clothes listed below can also be found in Pakistani clothing in the USA. The following are some examples of typical Pakistani attire:

Saraiki Turban

In the southeast and center of Pakistan, there is an ethnolinguistic community known as the Saraiki community. The Shalwar kameez, typically worn with a Saraiki turban, is the Pakistan traditional clothing of the Saraiki people. Historically, the turbans used with the Saraiki shalwar suits were huge and around 40 feet long, but today several lesser styles are available.

Shalwar Kameez

In the Indian subcontinent, the national dress of Pakistan is the shalwar kameez. Depending on where it is worn, the kameez comes in various styles. The Pakistani traditional clothing consists of a kameez and a shalwar (baggy trousers). (Long shirt). Women in Pakistan typically accessorize their shalwar kameez with scarves. The shalwar's legs are wide at the top and narrow at the ankle. For men, the kameez is a long shirt or tunic with a Western-style collar; it is typically collarless for women. For comfort or style, locals can pair their pajamas with a kameez.

Sindhi Cap

The Sindhi cap, or the Saraiki topi or Sindhi topi, is a distinctive headgear trendy in Pakistan's Sindhi province. The Pashtuns, Baloch, and Saraiki people all don a Sindhi cap. The Saraiki and Sindhi cultures are thought to be represented through the Sindhi cap and Saraiki Ajrak. A little portion of the cylindrical Sindhi hat has been cut away to reveal the wearer's forehead. Many tiny mirrors have been sewn onto some of these hats. Sindhi Cultural Day is observed annually on the first Sunday in December.


Fashionable South Asian shoes called Khussa are produced in Punjab, Pakistan. They have long, curled toes and closed-toe shoes. These shoes are made by artisans using leather that has been vegetable tanned. A piece of leather or textile decorated with ceramic beads, bells, mirrors, cowry shells, and brass nails forms the upper portion of the khussa. An environmentally friendly cotton thread attaches the upper part to the sole. During ancient times, the khussa was highly popular among the royalties. The footwear comes in a variety of hues and styles.


Excellent Cashmere goat breeds, including the chyangara from Nepal, Maira from Kashmir, and chegu from the Himalayas, produce Pashmina, a type of wool. The word "Pashmina," which means "made from wool," is derived from Persian. Kashmir is where pashmina was first produced; it is known as cashmere in America and Europe. Since ancient times, Pakistan's elite has adorned themselves with pashmina shawls. Pashmina blankets were a standard component of a wealthy woman's dowry in Nepal, Pakistan, and India. The Pashmina industry is credited to Zayn-ul-Abidin, the Kashmiri king during the fifteenth century.

Khet Partug

In the northwest and western regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, the salwar kameez, known as the khet part, is a distinct traditional Pakistani dress that is frequently worn. The bottom garment is called the partug, and the upper is the khet. The khet is typically fitted at the waist and resembles a robe or tunic. Wide sleeves and a knee-length khet are features. Traditional khets don't have slits and are typically worn with a belt. The partug is full of wrinkles and has folds around the waist.


Baluchistani Pakistanis wear various turban, headscarf, shalwar, and kameez styles. The loose kameez and excessively baggy shalwar make up the men's Balochi shalwar kameez. The sleeves on the Baloch kameez are lengthy. The shalwar, long dress, and headscarf make up the Baloch Pakistan women dress. The male Baloch wears a variety of turban types known as pagri, and the female Baloch wears flowy garments embroidered with regional motifs.


The sherwani is a must for Pakistan traditional clothing. The traditions of Pakistani weddings are well known to us all.

Without the groom wearing a sherwani, no wedding is complete. Even the groom's guests share in the celebration by donning understated sherwanis with delicate embroidery for a polished yet conventional appearance.

Sherwanis are made of slightly heavier fabric to achieve a stiff shape. It resembles a long shirt with a distinctive collar called a sherwani collar. One of the many traditional Pakistani garment styles with only one pocket is the sherwani. Sherwani bottoms are often form-fitting pants; some prefer to pair them with shalwars.

Churidaar Pajama

Tight-fitting trousers called churidar pajamas are trendy in the Indian subcontinent. The leg contours are visible due to the Churidar pajamas' narrow fit. Because the churidars are inherently elastic, they fit snugly. Churidaar is made to be longer than the wearer's leg and occasionally features a buttoned cuff at the ankles. The additional length causes folds on the ankles that resemble ankle bangles. The wearer can bend their feet when sitting thanks to the extra material.

Lehenga Choli

Ancient Indian women wore a three-piece Pakistani traditional clothing called the ghagra choli, which consisted of a stanapatta (chest band), an uttariya (veil), and an antriya. (Lower garment). The stanapatta gave way to the choli, a midriff-baring top worn with sarees in several countries on the Indian subcontinent. A woman's navel is visible through the choli. The gagra is a long, embroidered, pleated skirt that fastens at the hips, exposing the lower back and stomach. The dupatta, which descended from the uttariya, is typically worn with the choli and gagra. It is mostly seen in online Pakistani wedding dresses.

Read More: How to Accessorize Pakistani Women's Outfit